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All Languages, Whole World

What we propose, is an innovative approach to translation of the content you have prepared for publication in any form, and in any part of the world. As you might know, the translation industry works a bit like a fast food joint. Your hunger is satiated, but has it been good for you, or has it even been tasty? Our policy represents more of the slow food approach. So, it is not for everybody, not even for the majority perhaps. But it is for those, who are not willing to compromise quality for mass production.

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Our Policy

We are convinced, that any text deserves to be translated like poetry or literature. By this we mean, that simple replacement of the words is not enough. What matters most, is to transfer into another language exactly what the author had in mind and what effect he or she had been after. Such approach is most important in the case of any publications (on paper or digital) which contain information, marketing or scientific content. Further, we intensely believe, that the CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools alone cannot do the job. We use them, appreciate their robust development, but we could not stress more the crucial role of a living person. We know, that only someone for whom the target language is the mother tongue, who lives and functions in the target country, plus preferably is familiar with the translation topic – has a chance to get close to perfection. And this is what we are after!

How Does It Go

First of all, we work with a client to define the subject and the scope of the project. Further, based on what has been established, we prepare the detailed list of goals to be achieved and the proper timetable. This phase can take a few days, up to even one month. This is so, for the top quality of our translations is based on close collaboration with partners around, literally, the whole world. The final version of anything we do is always verified by a professional native speaker, translator, proofreader, expert in the area of the original content.


Should you consider publication of any materials in a foreign language, and would want to get the best result – we are at your service. Please get in touch either by phone or by email, preferably in the English language. However, we are open for communication in any other language. Just send us an email specifying your language in the subject line.

Email: biuro@akitatranslations.com
Telephone: +48 601 760 591
